We’re the kind of people that believe the journey is the destination, and that the journey is it’s own reward. Sometimes though, we like a little more motivation. Sometimes we need a quest. A quest brings a different dynamic to an adventure. A quest gives an adventure definition, a purpose. A quest can push a person to achieve new heights, or change the course of history.

It’s in this spirit of exploration that we’re challenging you with this quest. Should you choose to accept it, you’ll surely change the course of history. Ok, maybe not, but you’ll definitely have some fun, and if you’re the first to arrive, you’ll get some free stuff from us as your reward.

Here’s the deal:
We’ll be supplying ourselves and our ambassadors with flags. Whenever someone is somewhere interesting, which is often, they’ll stash a flag. We’ll post either on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter where it can be found. Maybe the directions will be explicit, or they might be more of a puzzle. The harder the flag is to find, the bigger the prize will be. The first to find the flag gets the prize. All you have to do to collect your prize is follow the directions on the flag. They may change slightly per adventure so I won’t post it here, but it won’t be difficult. We’ll also give out a few consolation prizes for people that tried but missed the mark.
Good Luck!

By the way, the flags are natural cotton canvas and printed with natural waterbased inks.


Cooper Wilt